Color Test

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Roslyn, May 23, 2013.

  1. 146 :( thats bad
  2. Might be a little colorblind, but that's not bad :p
  3. a little?? lol my boyfriend got 3.... and he is gloating lol

    edit: the post just above this one is him lol
    kuraudochuu likes this.
  4. I got 196 , don't worry, yours is better than mine :)
  5. 16, all the pinks and purples looked exactly the same to me though...
    kuraudochuu likes this.
  6. 19.
    kuraudochuu likes this.
  7. 18. That test is hard!
  8. 1000.

    The tiles don't actually move if you are on a phone :€
  9. Here's my results:

    Your score: 0
    Gender: Male
    Age range: 10-15
    Best score for your gender and age range: 0
    Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520
  10. I got 4 in my second try. Although, I instantly noticed a mistake as I was clicking the score test button.
  11. I tried that test again, and I got somewhere in the high 80s.
  12. 67...
    You know, it probably isn't a good idea to test your eyesight in a pitch black room at midnight.
    Spenser6 likes this.
  13. I would take this.....But i have zero patience for it.....i tried though! I got about 10 minutes in and was like. "I need to be writing or something..." :p
  14. Got a 5. Good thing I'm only a carrier of the gene and not actually colourblind ^_^
  15. I got 30 my second time.
  16. Got a 4! Pretty happy
  17. I made myself take the test.
    Got a 77.
  18. I got a 16. Hm... I am going to blame the fact that I didn't sleep, it's not a well lit room and I don't have my glasses. Yeah. That's it.