[Closed] Moople's Art Commissions-2018!

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by MoreMoople, Jan 5, 2018.

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  1. Hey Moops! Could I please get 9 color versions of a cartoon design of a martian with the purpose of profile pictures?-- If you don't mind I can pay a hefty price, too!
    derp_duckie and MoreMoople like this.

  2. Here you go! I hope you like it :D If there's anything that you would like changed, let me know!

    They were fairly easy to draw, so that will be 25k, please :)

    Waiting for Nutmeg to confirm what they want for their commission, and then I will do that :)
  3. Amazing, amazing! I love them! Paid :D
    derp_duckie and MoreMoople like this.
  4. I could have sworn I had ordered something, but I guess not, so here we go! \o/
    Could I get a full body drawing of my character? :)
    (I intentionally left out details, use your imagination :p)
  5. Here you go!

    That will be 10k, please. If there's anything that you would like changed, let me know! :)
  6. What do you use to draw these? Do you use an app on your computer and just put it on imgur and post it from there, or somehow post it otherwise?
    MoreMoople likes this.
  7. I use MediBang paint on my phone. I also have it on my computer, but it's a bit more complicated on there. When I'm done, I save it and put it on imgur to post.
    I plan on posting a tutorial for it on forums sometime soon :)
    Top_Benny likes this.
  8. I'll be waiting for that tutorial then :D
    Your art is unique, and I would totally order one, but I'm saving my rupees as of now :p
    Top_Benny, Rhycicles and MoreMoople like this.
  9. Rhy ordered and paid for one for you, so here it is! :D

    If there's anything that you would like changed, let me know!
  10. Kinda looks like an evil, less froggy version of Moople xD
  11. If it's possible to do, I'd like my skin in a sort of long black hooded robe holding a diamond sword pointing into the ground, and holding up the other fist with blue fire around it. I don't know if that's too complex or not so let me know :D
    Top_Benny, 607 and MoreMoople like this.
  12. Here you go!

    If there's anything that you would like changed, let me know :)
    Top_Benny, luckycordel and Lukas3226 like this.
  13. Thank you for your patience!

    That will be 6k, please. If there's anything that you would like changed, let me know! :)
    Top_Benny, Rhycicles, Kephras and 2 others like this.
  14. I got to have a full body commission for my minecraft skin but I like to have my top half human and my lower half skeletal like my skin and holding a bow :p
    Top_Benny likes this.
  15. Love it, Moople! Doing double!
    Top_Benny, 607 and MoreMoople like this.
  16. Tomorrow school and dance start back up again. From what it looks like, I'll have considerably less freetime to spend on EMC and commissions :(

    However, I have absolutely no intentions of leaving or going inactive, but I do ask that anyone who commissions anything has patience if I'm not able to get to it quickly.

    Currently working on a drawing for Carfryer, hoping to get to the other drawings soon too :)

    Thank you for understanding!
    Top_Benny, 607, _CaptainRex_ and 3 others like this.
  17. I understand :)
    MoreMoople likes this.
  18. Requested by Carfryer through discord :)
  19. OMG
    CarFryer and MoreMoople like this.
  20. This is absolutely amazing! I would like to request another commission hehe :D

    This time, could you do a full body of my Minecraft character, but with an elytra on and holding this shield (reference picture below) ? Also, could the eyes be glowing a little? Thanks! :D

    I have sent the payment!

    607 and MoreMoople like this.
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