[closed] A Head

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by BluMacow101, Nov 25, 2017.

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  1. How much would you buy this head for? There is 0 in existence.

  2. Rarity doesn't always determine how valuable something is. It also depends on who the head came from and how many people actually want it
  3. Anyone can download a skin and plaster their res with them.. True value come from the username associated with the head..

    If you were to do heads for +deco or your own head shop 500-1500 rupees would probably be the limit.
    Sachrock likes this.
  4. Honestly depends on social status, if you have a high social status, your head will be bound to be a higher value.
  5. Is that the skin I made? It was a really easy skin so I wouldn’t say it is worth too much. Maybe 300r at most?
  6. So what the hell are you taking a picture of? Scam, much?
  7. A normal player head I buy goes for 250r. Like everyone above me has said it’s all about your name. If you are on a team/staff or have been around for a long time you can set a price. But since your forums say you’ve only been on since Oct 2 I doubt you’ll get much over 500r for it.
    MajorHaze, ShelLuser and Sachrock like this.
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