Can't join EMC anymore!?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Highbuddy, Jul 15, 2012.

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  1. @Kells18 You know what sucks more? we don't know how long it take's.
  2. Its a bug ppl just a bug give it time, it will be sorted. :cool:
  3. It's the middle of the night on a Sunday in Sweden - the whole Mojang crew are awake trying to fix it, including Notch. Just go outside and ride a bike for now, be patient ;)
    hayleycolgan and marknaaijer like this.
  4. or they're just sleeping.
  5. Can I now? I'm done with MC for the night
    marknaaijer likes this.
  6. No you can't! xP
  7. Oh sure, if you don't want to play for the night you can :)
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  8. Okay cool. Its time for bed, gotta wake up in a few hours... Uh Oh...Wish me luck :oops:
    keyblade18, Highbuddy and AlexChance like this.
  9. im used to this kinda problem but ..... (insert ultimate sad face here).... i really wanted to create my animal farm on my res where i was gonna make it like a giant pillar. anyways ill just wait a while when it comes up so guys could u plz alert me? thanks if u will :D
  10. I came back online and wanted to stock some few things.. but NO cant do that -_- Grr. Hopefully they get it fixed soon
  11. Use this, If all are green checks you're good:
  12. Logging in won't work for anyone until they turn the servers back on :)
  13. I just tamed and bred my first ocelets :) SO CUTE!! AWE SO CUTE.jpg AWE SO CUTE.jpg
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  14. Exactly thus the Red Circle/Cross for Session Server :p :)
  15. Should i log out or stay on?
  16. I figured this post would come up xD

    "OMG CAN'T CONNECT LIFE IS OVER!" * hyperventilating and refreshing*
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  17. OMG it just happened to me I tried everything I tried deleting minecraft and re downloading but nothing works i really want to play i was in wild!! So unfair :(
  18. Stay logged on
  19. Whatr Are They Doing?
  20. If you still wanna play MC servers right now stay on, if you are done, feel free to log out :D
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