Can we get rid of rabbits

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by LochMonster8, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. Rudeness isn't needed. Please refrain from doing so.
  2. I don't understand why people are saying that the rabbits can't be removed.. Wouldn't prevention of spawns be possible, if not easy? And we've run code in the past to get rid of certain promos that players weren't supposed to have, so we could potentially get rid of all eggs and traces of the wabbits.

    Why should we do that? no idea. But I'm pretty sure it's possible o3o
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. Can we fix it?

    lol Anyways I think there is something wrong on your end try lowering the graphics in video settings.
  4. Ummm you realize we can't get rid of rabbits because they are already prefixed into 1.8? I highly doubt your study is true because on everyone of my residences there are rabbits, all hidden, and never have I once crashed because of them.
    tuqueque likes this.
  5. All I could suggest would be reinstalling Minecraft, or install a FPS supporting mod, like Optifine.
    Kyzoy likes this.
  6. image.jpg

    Not that my game crashes when I approach rabbits, but I support this

    But wait, we won't be able to go wabbit huntin' anymore...
    Deadmaster98 and southpark347 like this.
  7. Welcome to the Empire Lochlan. Enjoy your time here. :)
  8. I know a little bit about Minecraft. Send me a copy of your crash report and I can tell you why your game is crashing.
  9. I can think of two things that could help you with this issue..
    1. Have you tried allocating more RAM to Minecraft via the JVM arguments under the "Edit Profile" section of the launcher?
    2. Have you tried installing OptiFine 1.8?
    southpark347 and ChumMiner like this.
  10. Although we can't get rid of rabbits, there are plenty of people here who would be glad to help you and anyone else with the problem if you can provide the crash log. I am sure your problem is fixable and I would be happy to help figure out what is causing your game to crash.
  11. Can you help a little more with #1? I see the JVM, but how do I allocate more RAM? I just don't know much about these things.
  12. In the line, near the beginning, it says "1G". Change that to something more, like "2G".
    ChumMiner likes this.
  13. Guess I'm late to the party, but heck.

    First of all: it would most certainly be possible to get rid of a certain mob type in a certain area. Think about it: why aren't hostile mobs spawning in town? If you can make that distinction then you can most certainly narrow it down even further. Although I'm not familiar on how this works on EMC I do know that it would be decently easy with a WorldEdit/WorldGuard (server plugins) combination.

    Question though is: why? Rabbits are not that much different from other passive mobs, although they do move a little more frequent. So, I have no idea what would happen if someone were to put 50+ together in one area, but I can guess; most likely not that much. This is not much different from dumping 20 - 30 villagers in one sealed off area. Which has been a common practice for villager farms.

    Well, considering that there are 300k+ known players on EMC I sincerely doubt those statistics. Not just that; many people gain their resources and income from mining in the /waste, and that place is sometimes crawling with rabbits. If a majority of players would end up crashing then I'm sure that these forums would be filled with complaints right about now.

    What I also don't understand is how you came to conclude rabbits. I looked around your home and your neighbors to check if I could find signs of lag but nothing... I also didn't see any major rabbit farms which I was somewhat expecting to find. I did see a giant wheat farm (one whole res. filled with wheat, kinda cool) but nothing which could be a sign of major lag.

    So, some tips to try and reduce lag on your end:

    Your Java version. Upgrade to the latest version of Java (Java 8) and get rid of any other possible installed versions. Also be sure to use a 64bit version if your PC is 64bit.

    Video card drivers. Make sure those are up to date. Doesn't have to be the latest version, but at least it needs to be up to date.

    In-game settings. Pause the game -> Options -> Video options. Find your settings there and if needed reduce them. Fancy graphics vs. Fast graphics for example.

    That should be a good lead in getting better performance.

    Well, and as most people hinted at: you're not exactly in the right forum ;) Suggestions are best posted in the suggestions box whereas questions for help as best posted in help & support.

    So before I get majorly offtopic myself: Welcome back to EMC :p
  14. Ive never crashed due to rabbits...
  15. I dont have rabit problems, which people participated on your survey/study?
    BTW: he is not new to EMC(300 days+), he is new to the forums
    Lochlan, when i got to your residence i did not have any frame loss as you stated... for you may be different because maybe you have too many applications open(I'm just guessing), also when i visited you and SUMMONsomething... there were at max 3(5 including you and your friend) residences that are next to you that have above 45 entc(others had less than 5), so maybe is your java or something
    ElfinPineapple0 and ShelLuser like this.