I don't know why you'd be sad...this is an exciting update....that you never have to participate in if you don't want.
Speaking from the perspective of a dragon egg owner, I always believed that there should be more access to them and the idea of having a use to them is also exciting. Though I will be sad to lose an item that served as a status symbol (in my eyes at least), i am more excited to know that more community players will have access to them as I did understand the plight of many players that would gaze at my egg and think they would never be able to have one of their own (for less than 2 million rupees).
I typed perfect English there! (Assuming you mean the whole 'pardon my french' thing people say when they swear) In other news, I've looked over all the intros so far, and love them all. This is going to be a tough choice, but there can only be one voice.. Whelp, hope I get more entries, because this isn't over until the 28th!
As I see new voice entries, I'll add them to my website/blog that is no where near in shape. I am not ready to post it to the public yet, but you may be able to find it with a little digging.