/c r - It's just too white

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Aug 31, 2012.


Residence Chat: Coloured or White

Coloured 59 vote(s) 78.7%
White 16 vote(s) 21.3%
  1. I'd like it to be a different color when it comes time to be re-implemented. This is the sole reason:
    NoobishPlayer721: Don't worry, I'm not an admin.
    SparerToaster: You don't say?
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  2. Fine I'll restore it and remove the unnecessary parts from.
    To anwer your base question again, as I've already said why this was done... It's to bring Residence Chat into our same chat code and to log it.

    Logging and consistency is more important than a tiny detail like colors. Our new players? /rc seems weird and out of place.

    The players are obviously disagreeing with the main idea in this thead that RC is useless without color, as RC is still being heavily used for its intended purpose: Chatting with the people on your residence.

    No-one is commenting on color at all outside of this thread. There was a few "whoa RC changed", but thats it.

    Our ability to moderate the community is a primary goal, and being able to provide a consistent and easy to understand chat experience instead of seperated features we did not intend.

    Instead of removing RC like we originally considered, we decided to let the players keep it because it is a useful feature.

    Also, the change was made because it was simple, but adding color's would of took more effort. Empire's chat is the one piece of the code that has already been rewritten to be better quality, and I refuse to bandaid in hacks just to add color and then still ignore the players who do not want color.

    I've already said that we will add it back at a later date, but right now there is more important things... accept that. We are now in a really good place in that residence chat is now officially supported, its in our consistent style, and its logged.

    We are not reverting those gains for a few players resistance to change -- Color does not MAKE the feature, it only changed its usefulness.

    The feature still is usable for its INTENDED purpose. I understand the color did make it useful for standing out for announcements and such, but that was not its intent by the plugins author, nor our intent, nor do many players want it to be that way.

    For now, it will be in a neutral state. If it not being in color for some reason removes its usefulness for you, then I'm sorry, you will just have to wait until we have time to work on tiny things like that.

    Adding color to a form of chat does not help our players have more fun or enjoy EMC more, so it is extremely low priority.
  3. Wait, so you said that /rc was not being recorded into logs. I am surprised that it wasn't disabled before now then...
  4. Justin has been unable to do any development recently, and I JUST got access this week...
  5. That was purple. Are you colorblind?:p
  6. K so I'm trying to wrap my head around all this and I dunno if this has been covered but would there be anyway to do like most MMO's do and have each channel a different color, not just name but the chat font itself? Or a way to give people that option? For example:

    Trade: WTB 4 Diamonds.
    Town: Hey does anyone know the price for this Enchanted Axe?
    Local: So yeah, we need to build these walls up like so.
    System: Stop spamming the chat or you'll be kicked. (Or however it's worded.)
    Tell: Hey, do you have any spare wheat?

    That way each is color coded and you possibly don't miss messages like I do >.<
  7. Yes I agree with you on this point.

    Also do know that /ch l only has a set radius that people can the chat. Now where /rc (/chat r) comes useful is when some people are at bedrock on your res, and you are at world height ~ A radius that would not allow for /ch l chatting to take place. That is why /rc is useful, and it would be great for it to be distinguished from the other channels as well. Just think about it yea :)
  8. Not to mention you can hold private group conversations on your lot by giving only set people +move and setting your res to -move. ;)
    MR2R2M likes this.
  9. I really like the new Residence chat it stands out but is much less pain on my eyes.
  10. :eek: It looks pink to me!
  11. It's a deep purple!
  12. I understand newcomers would get confused if one player had done /rc and that player would think they were a admin, In my opinion we should bring back colors, but not purple as you've said. Since mods are green, admins are purple, and senior staff are light green, we can rule those out, how about pink, yellow, or orange, Just not purple.
    I enjoyed the purple chat, when speaking in a residence, It stood out and it was much easier to deliver messages, This new chat feels like local that, just smaller, Colors should be brought back. I agree with Aikar. *Kinda*
    EDIT: When talking in a residence, each person is assigned a color in the order each player types /rc or whatever the command is, when they leave the residence, their chat goes back to white.
  13. That's What I said ages ago :p
    Good Point :p THink of it like this: Purple Chat, Or No extra lag, No rollback etc
  14. Oh and anyone else noticed that /rc still changes it you dont have to do /c r
  15. Maybe you could have a /chat rc colour [Insert] command to keep it the colour poeple want it to be
    Maybe even for other chanels
    MR2R2M likes this.
  16. Im thinking....italics?
  17. Bold, Underlined, So many possibilities