/c r - It's just too white

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Aug 31, 2012.


Residence Chat: Coloured or White

Coloured 59 vote(s) 78.7%
White 16 vote(s) 21.3%
  1. Well Watson its Elementary

    My "Point" is that I read ICC's post regarding Multi colour chat not looking good, I agree with his post..

    My point was not all that hard to miss.
  2. I was displeased by the fact Aikar changed this chat from a solid color like purple, to white, instead of just changing it to another color like blue, but.. The chat regrettably looks good as it is, and I am unable to complain about it. Besides, that purply blue R looks great next to a diamond supporters' name. The colors really compliment each other. :)
    ScarTheNinja likes this.
  3. You all realize that you can just turn off colors in your game options under "Chat Options"
    JackBiggin likes this.
  4. However, its about delivering consistency. Residence is not a special action like /tell, its simply another multi person chat channel.

    If we add colors back to Residence, we will also add colors to other channels too, so the experience is consistent. If you really want your chats to stand out, then enable colors, else don't.

    The chat colors off feature really destroys the chat experience. EVERY color is removed, and makes the chat look really bad.

    This debate is not about using colors or not using colors -- its about overusing colors.

    The current Empire Chat System is very easy on the eyes, consistent and not distracting. Residence chat was out of place in the empire system and would of been corrected from the get go if we knew about it.
    pat2011 likes this.
  5. The 31 - 7 poll says it all really. It's time to see what the community wants - Not what you want. Community wants Purple chat back. There's no harm in it - It just makes the Residence chat Defunct, As everyone will just use /chat l
    sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  6. I was just going to sit back and let stuff happen, but I may as well talk....

    Just because it's not designed to be one doesn't mean the community didn't make it one.

    Providing you can toggle each channels individually then I'm fine with that, although personally I have no problem with res chat being the only one coloured.

    I completely agree on you with this.
    Yes it would have, but you didn't know about it from the get go. As the community found it, the community gave it a use. Just because it wasn't an intended feature doesn't mean it isn't useful. For example, Wilderness outposts are designed to be accessed by /wild > walk through portal. I use /res tp Spawn_Wilderness_North/South/East/West. EMC never intended me to access outposts using /res tp, but that doesn't stop it being useful.
  7. That works? That's really cool.
    MR2R2M, SoulPunisher and JackBiggin like this.
  8. I think sometimes the mods should listen to what the community wants. They do listen to us alot of the time, like a way to remove all dirt in your res and protecting land in the wild and they give us a catch. We need a dragon egg to do that, and the dragon egg is found by killing the ender dragon in a randomly generated portal. I am looking forward to this update.

    I agree with what Jack is saying. Just because it wasn't supposed to be a feature doesn't mean the community didn't or couldn't make it a feature. We want purple back. Just listen to what the community wants a little bit more, and the empire can be even more great.
  9. I didnt like the purple... it hurt meh eyes :p
  10. As I've already said... colors will come back, just give us time to focus on more important things. However it will not be purple. That color is associated with the Admin rank and gives a false impression.

    It being purple was one of the main reasons we wanted it gone/changed.
    pat2011 likes this.
  11. Why not restore the old version of the plugin?
    sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  12. So were hiding posts now are we aikar? Very mature.
    oidgod and sqiggleyjeff like this.
  13. Why are you attacking him? He said he'll change it to be colored again later. He's currently working on other things like making the servers less laggy, and residences, so that way we don't have to restart the servers every 2 hours. I'm sorry you find a simple color far more important then lag/a more stable server. Maybe you should take a step back, and calm yourself. It's going to be okay.. It'll be nyan cat flavored in the future.. Just give it some time. :):p
    ScarTheNinja and Dwight5273 like this.
  14. I made a suggestion in the spot my post currently is and he deleted it. That's what I'm complaining about.
  15. Okay, after reading all this, I formed an opinion. Tell me if I copied what you said, 'cause I really only read the main stuff. How about if all chats were white, but you could change /rc back to purple or white with either:
    For White: /rc color white
    For Purple:/rc color purple
    Joshposh70 and JackBiggin like this.
  16. Good suggestion.
  17. Light Green? Red? Dark Blue? :eek:
  18. You're banned, so how does this effect you? :eek: Alt?
  19. I think that the blue the R currently is would work best. It's not too hard on your eyes and isn't used for any rank.
  20. Seems reasonable.