Bump! I'm also looking for some of the Staff members alt's. Like Aikarias, Moonbowchin, The_Boulder's alt and Chickeneer's alt Will add those to the list soon
Bump! So...I've gotten a bunch of staff heads on loan by Dufne! Thank you very much for the loan! Dufne lend the following heads: Aikar PVP head Purple Aikar head Aikar's head (12/23/13 version) Krysyy PVP head Bigdavie highlancer73 EffinBatman crystaldragon13 Zion_Moyer allengero (retired) 5weety (retired) Ahksel (retired) shaunwhite1982 (retired) AshesOfDreams/ArtemisV (retired) Kephras (renamed "Tiger Mask") The_Pebble (The_Boulder's alt head) Still looking to buy some of these heads, but I'm not focusing on buying them. I'm focusing on the ones I don't own or got from lenders.
Bump! Need the Purple Krysyy head! My Krysyy head collection will be complete if I manage to obtain it.
forgot to add: I asked nick awhile ago and he said at that time he didnt plan on giving any out,he might change his mind though.
I already have Cami on the Staff list, but I can add him to the stream team list as well. You should give your nony head to me, no one have to know You mean NikkG? His head is out there somewhere, I know a few that got one.