[BUYING] Rotten Flesh

Discussion in 'Buying' started by Daynsyy, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Wait, maiden? I thought you were a Morty, not a Summer :) Oh, lol, next time "pay more attention to profiles shell". So now you owe me 1r :p (I dunno what for) :D

    Ooh, that reminds me to thank dr_pepper (need to look up his full name) for pointing me to that cartoon :)

    But that changes everything :)

    "Keep Summer safe", I'll let the community look it up on Youtube and ruin their brains and sanity (even though.. meh, that was a classic).
    Daynsyy and AhsokaTower like this.
  2. For a LIMITED TIME offer !!!! lol

    I'm laughing for a little bit longer.

    ShelLuser and Daynsyy like this.
  3. I'm totally a Morty. Undeniably. Severe lack of genius waves up in here.

    Edit: Saw the free flesh, BOY OH BOY. It's like Christmas but rotting! For real though I took so much, and I'm happy to pay ....
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. Hope that 13 DC's is enough now, :)
    ShelLuser and Daynsyy like this.
  5. ShelLuser, Carbonyx and AhsokaTower like this.
  6. try /v +mob on smp9
    Daynsyy likes this.
  7. I run out from time to time. But often have stock: /v +chum on smp8

    direct is /v 17187 mob
    Daynsyy likes this.