[BUYING] Rotten Flesh

Discussion in 'Buying' started by Daynsyy, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Lots of hungry doggos to feed, you know how it is.

    Just figured I'd see if anyone has any going cheap and cheerful! Struggling to find shops on SMP1 and not sure where else to look. Ergo, I'm embracing the community!

    Edit: Any quantities, by the way. Feel free to visit me at 1177 on SMP1!
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  2. Well I have a few DC's of the flesh. Though I tend to use mine to trade priests for emeralds.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. I have 8 emeralds if you wanna trade any :)
    AhsokaTower and ShelLuser like this.
  4. So now I know what I forgot to add :p lol.

    So how much would you offer for a whole stack Daynsy?

    And no worries: I'm probably even worse with economy prices than you are (no joking).
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  5. Oh jeez, I have no idea! I've only seen one shop selling it and that was 8r for 16, which is what I've been paying :)
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  6. That's wonderful! I just set up a chest on smp2 /v +tower 64 flesh for 32r
    ShelLuser likes this.
  7. I'm currently in the middle of absolutely nowhere - So when I reach any kind of civilisation again, I'll be there! Thanks :D!
  8. Yes tower, but you're now undercutting a new member I think :)

    Therefore you guys leave me no choice but to sell 3 stacks to Dayns for .. "I can't do math no more".

    So that's 5 syllables (I hope) and quite a bit of nonsense. So lets say 2r per syllable plus some random nonsense rupees and you get 14r per stack :eek:

    14 * 3 = (3 * 4 = 12) + 30) = 42r.

    Got some spare change Dayns?
  9. Absolutely I do! I will buy ALL the rotten flesh! ;D
  10. uh oh ^.^

    famous last words ^.^
    Daynsyy likes this.
  11. If you need a few dcs let me know and I can make a run to my base.
  12. Get's on line do to competitive nature. Removes old buy sign puts up free sign. Ha!!!! Who's laughing now.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  13. I do! Just have to make sure I can afford them :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. Find me in game in 30 or so mins
    Daynsyy and ShelLuser like this.
  15. So I was going to post a long post here, then Dayns invaded my res. and took all my flesh :D

    Poor me! :)
    AhsokaTower and Daynsyy like this.
  16. I didn't even get a chance to log on yet. lol
    ShelLuser likes this.
  17. I raided your house too. I believe in equal opportunity muggings.
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  18. ^^^^ This is why I keep on playing on this server SO much this!!

    I really LOVE this!!

    Them's fighting words Ahsoka, seems Vader didn't taught you some manners so I guess I have to. ShelLuser is no more, henceforth I shall now be known as Darth Shell :D

    (OMG, I'mso overdoing this) :p

    Daynsy: come back to me and I will sell you 3 more stacks of rotten flesh for -42 rupees. That's right: minus 42 rupees. Buy 3 stacks with me and get 42 rupees paid.

    Who is laughing NOW Tower?! :) !!!
    AhsokaTower and Daynsyy like this.
  19. I feel like a maiden of philanthropic chaos and I'm ... well... ok with it? >:)
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  20. Welcome to the Empire :D
    Daynsyy and AhsokaTower like this.