[Buying] Marlix armor

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by SteamingFire, May 26, 2015.

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  1. Bump
    Chest and boots for momentus toothpick plus 60k, anyone?
  2. Bump
    I will do a straight-up trade, Momentus Toothpick for Marlix Boots if I have to.
    though I still need the tunic, too.
  3. Bump

    Still looking for chestpeice and boots
  4. Buuuuuummppp...

    Does anyone wanna trade straight up either chest or boots for a Momentus Toothpick?

    Then i'll find a way to get the other piece...
  5. Bump

    Still need chestpiece amd boots!
  6. BUMP

    I'll be raising my negotiating prices now...

    Plus I still have a Momentus Toothpick to trade straight-up for either the Tunic or Boots...

    Edit: And the Momentus Toothpick is def worth 1.5x that of the pieces...
  7. Bump.

    Just need two more pieces...
  8. bumpity bump.
    and more bump.
  9. Good morning peoplez!


    Marlix chestpiece and boots, still buying!
  10. Last bump.

    Then I'm closing this thread, ain't worth it.
  11. Closing this thread.

    My inbox is open to anyone who wants to sell me the Chestpiece or Boots, as well as a Valentine's Gift (either or both versions), but due to inactivity despite my constant bumping and smp-hopping, i'll be a bit grouchy while negotiating.

    Happy hunting, everyone.
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