[Buying] iDay Helmet (Unopened Chest)

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by ThaKloned, Mar 5, 2015.

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  1. Valens removed from list.

  2. Bump

    Added a few items to the 'looking for' list.
  3. Bump...

    Feather Fallllling Boots removed from list. :)
  4. I have a super dragon poop but not a regular one if you need one
  5. I have the super one, just need the regular one :)

    Thanks though.
  6. I have the Everlasting Axestopper ;) I'll sell it to you for 180k? We can modify the price of you need. I'll also trade it for enchanted books, ingots, and promos.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  7. That one I have. I need the Bullet Proof Vest, Cactus Pants, Flaming Mob Launcher & Turfinator for the 60k member set.
  8. ah ok. I don't have that sorry :( BFinc has a few 60k member items though :)
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