[Business/Service] Charity Company

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by ToriDesu, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. ok it is a couple unbreaking diamond tools, not a lot though.
  2. Anything is better than nothing! :)
  3. Project: 1572 Tower Complex
    Items needed: Quartz Blocks and anything/everything redstone related
    Needed by: Whenever, time isnt of great importance
    Amount needed: Quartz-SC, redstone materials as much as possible
    Thanks in advance

    Donating: Efficiency V Books
    Amount: 5
    Head on donators wall: sure why not :)
    Access chest will be on res 1572 smp1 asap
  4. Project: Public Ice Generator
    Items Needed: Cobble
    Needed by: Not a specific date but as soon as possible?
    Amount needed: 1-3 DC's
    I'll see if I can donate some in a bit.
  5. Project-Underground Mega/Medium Mall
    Items Needed- Stone bricks
    Needed by- 2014
    How many- 1 DC

    Giving- 30 Iron picks
  6. Long time since I placed my order
  7. I don't have enough tools, I've broke all of them, I can only get so much of the orders with ONE worker who has a job and goes to school, who also has other projects, I've been trying to get all orders in, and it takes time.
  8. Also, this is a CHARITY I dont get paid for this.
  9. So how far did you go with this and I guess Bump?