[Business/Service] Charity Company

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by ToriDesu, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. ok, like i said, not in a hurry.
  2. This isn't a bump but a request, right now all orders are held off until I can get more tools donated or workers, tools mainly
  3. Bump, all help is welcome
  4. Changed OP a bit, look at it for updates
  5. So I actually need mine by Dec 12 so can you rush
  6. I can't without tools
  7. Well I can give you some tools but not right now I'm outside ATM
  8. Bring them to 1386 on smp1
  9. Bumpy Bump just cause I want to
  10. I still need tools >_<
  11. Bump, need tools, workers, and sponsors!
  12. All orders are on hold till tools and/or worker are found
  13. ^^^^
    Plus bump
  14. i actually have some diamond tools i can give you now.
  15. I'll set up an access chest when I get home, but if it is less than a sc then you can drop them into my hopper