Book Writing Contest

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Arcaniax, May 16, 2012.

  1. i use some links :)
  2. lol
    Brennian likes this.
  3. Name: lehmaqr
    Server: Smp7
    Res: 14733
    Book: Slime's Fairy Tales
    Ready?: 1 story's pictures are done (yeah, I'm doing pictures too.) but otherwise, no.
  4. you cant use pictures in the new book,
    more info:
    Nole972 likes this.
  5. I know that. I will have something like [www.websitew/] to show a picture is there. Probaly will be on imgur
  6. oh like [pic 1] in the book?
  7. exactly!
  8. Wow Brennian, this is a very good idea for a contest, it should be featured at the home page on EMC.
  9. say it to JustinGuy :p all the others are there but ill need to update mine
  10. Yea you will
  11. it's a mess now xD