Biggest storage on EMC?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by CoryLovesYou, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. (It's okay, most of it will probably be dirt renamed "Diamond Blocks")
  2. I think the storage unit is a great idea. Plus it looks awesome
  3. Renting out storage is actually not allowed as I found out a couple weeks ago :p
  4. Oh really?

  5. How do we know it isn't replaced with a diamond block texture? :eek:
  6. That is just one chest. Plus having it zoomed in like that just makes it look like you are faking it.
    FDNY21, Defne_The_Boss and PenguinDJ like this.
  7. *cough cough* SP creative world
    TheStickMan999 likes this.
  8. Is that a challenge sir?

    *Digs out utopia residence*

    Also, I'm sure there is an easy way to switch the dirt texture with diamond block.
  9. 1,000 DCs of stone bricks. Go.
  10. On it.
  11. Can I have my diamonds back please. :p