Big Melons (Must See!)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by CowTippingManiac, May 17, 2013.

  1. OMG ITS SO BIG :eek:
  2. I
    only like the sweet seeds :)
  3. Ahem. Gentlemen, and Ladies.

    Here's my favorite vegetable.

    For my favorite fruit?
    Adderwolf71 and KoenJanssen like this.
  4. I am disappointed. This is not what I came to see. What a misleading title....

    I wanted to see cantaloupe. Get yo mind outta the gutter :p
    rman92011 likes this.
  5. Hmmm:
    My favorite fruit?
    I don't know about you but I eat them like a fiend.

  6. Please no one post any more pictures of pomegranates, it will be a very long drive for me to take some to batmeghs
    PandasEatRamen likes this.