Big forests, vast mountain ranges, and Adventure!

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by 8comimi, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. If anyone has any ideas on improvement of this idea or just more ideas for this type of world in general, please tell me for I would love to here them. :)
    Qwerty189 and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  2. I have seen many people on this server build some really amazing things. It took some time, but they did it and it looked awesome. I really like the idea, but as an Empire Minecraft feature I don't think it would be plausible. What you could do to really bring this to life, is build it yourself :) This would take lots of work, but if you do it right, you could create exactly what you are talking about in the existing wild of EMC. Minecraft is described as a sandbox building game, and this is why. Because so much is possible inside of it!
    golddigger221 likes this.
  3. *Notch crying by the dedication of words to his game*
    smile3 likes this.
  4. Of course, If I were to put myself through this work and dedication probably taking a year if all of what I wanted was to be created, it would very soon be destroyed by creepers and constant attacks of selfish griefers. Creepers holes can be fixed somewhat easily by me and hopefully other generous players that are victims of their explosions, but griefing... I could not handle it. For all the work I put into it, I might be able to withstand 1 or 2 small attacks, but some griefer could come in with a trail of 8 creepers, start chopping down trees, completely destroy towns, or even just set a fire that would instantly destroy the whole forest, for it will be covered completely in leaves and wood. Griefers are the main fault in this plan, and as much as I would like to say this server is griefer free, it's not, because once they see something they want, they will take it. Sometimes they will just destroy for the fun of it and to make someone upset. If there was someone way I could get this forest to be protected from griefing, by all means I would gather a team and build up this forest to what I dream it could, but until then, it would just be destroyed by the griefers, that I do forgive, and wish there were none of.
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  5. Adding another world into each server is something I don't like the sound of. However, this could be added for when Dystopia finally comes around.
  6. If the staff liked this idea enough, I'm sure it very well could be added in Dystopia.
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  7. I see where you are coming from, and griefers are a real concern, but usually you can deter the ones that are just in it for fun by making it really far out in the wild. There are some who would go out of their way if they thought there was profit in it, but as long as you build smart (no beacon houses! :p,) that shouldn't really be that big of a problem. As for the time. That is going to be the biggest and hardest challenge to overcome, and for that I would just recommend starting small. Build one small village in a nice large extreme hills valley, grab a bunch of gravel, make some paths and plant your trees. There is no rule saying you have to build it all at once. Once you get more people on board you could start expanding, maybe add another village with a new quest in a neighboring valley. I don't think that this should become an EMC official feature (just my opinion here.) It just seems like it would be very hard for Aikar and them to code, and hard on the servers lag wise (although I don't know about that since Aikar changed the server host.) It would involve terrain generation changes, a new village type generation, and quest generation. Though these are possible, I do not believe it is plausible for the coding team to implement. And they are already so busy with the rest of the empire. It just seems like a lot to ask someone else to do, but I really, REALLY like the idea.
  8. Like I've said before, this in no way had to be an rpg type of thing. It could be just as simple as making a forest and a few towns here and there with a couple isolated places as well (don't forget the mountains). The quests and what not were simply just add-ons. Anyone could really just walk through the forest and fight some mobs or just explore the forest for the fun of it. Although, after a change in mind, I might consider making one on my home server. "Might," as long as I can get the proper amount of materials and enough people. Probably around 10-20 people helping would be just fine.
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  9. I wonder what any of the staff thinks of this. Although they probably don't need to post anything for all that is needed has been said. "I really like the idea, but it probably won't be added as something new to the server."
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  10. This is why utopia is here, although it would still be too small. I would help if you started though
  11. Any more comments/ideas/suggestions from anyone?
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  12. From what this sounds like is basically just a generated world using certain presets (grass, trees) and the generated structures - that could be modified to be customized instead of generic vanilla ... other then that it's basically just custom items set within the world ... doesn't seem hard at all to implement ... just you'd need a lot of people to want to go to it... and a reason to go to it ...

    If you think about it dragon tombs, dystopia, etc are all their own customized world ... so why shouldn't something similar to this be allowed ...

    and if you think about that ... then maybe one thing that could be obtained for completing 'quests' ...or finding dungeons ... (ps, it will log which ones you go to - so you can only get it once instead of farming prizes) ... is getting tokens that can later be used.
  13. This all sounds very nice, especially the part about quests being able to take you to dragon tombs, finding dungeons, and earning tokens.
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  14. Aikar and ICC should see all of this (not saying that they have to do this, that would be their choice)
  15. Its a cool idea. However, fallen trees would be extremely hard to make. EMC would do everything else they have on their To do list before this could even be considered.
  16. I don't think we are processing the same "fallen tree" here. I mean just some wood logs on its side and slap a bunch of leaves on top of it. :p
    Qwerty189 and golddigger221 like this.
  17. If you mean the floor of a jungle in short strips, it would be more simple. However still would be the last thing tackled.
  18. All true, but this is an idea to be considered, no staff said this was gonna be made. This is still just a concept that we are discussing and sharing our opinions about at least for now.
  19. Yes, that is true. We still have much to discuss! :cool:
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  20. So I decided that I just might make a forest as I may dream. I need plenty of people, saplings, and a whole ton of bone meal. If you are interested in helping, I will soon be making a thread on this subject at matter but for real this time. Also, we need to discuss why people would come and how could we do that such thing.
    Qwerty189 likes this.