[Beginners guide] Let's do some (mass) smelting!

Discussion in 'Player Guides, Tips and Tricks' started by ShelLuser, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. Hi gang!

    Are you also excited for the upcoming Empire Minecraft upgrade to (most likely): 1.11.1? I know I am! :) Now, 1.11.1 will give us many new features, but one of those is very often completely ignored. Also because this is a feature which isn't too obvious: we can use a whole lot more items in the furnace. And I'm not necessarily talking about the latest option to smelt iron and gold tools into nuggets, but I'm also talking about the option to use all sorts of blocks as fuel.

    The times of being fully dependent on coal or charcoal are behind us :cool:

    But this also presents us with a problem:

    This is a collection of alternative items which you can use in a furnace as fuel. The problem though is that some of these items won't last very long. And as if that isn't enough: as you can see some items don't even stack; like the wooden tools. Now, this might not be an issue if all you want to do is smelt a few (1 - 3) blocks, but what if you got a larger collection of junk to burn and more items to smelt?

    A collection of items which you'll be able to smelt.

    Well, I guess you'll have 2 choices: either you go spend your time in front of your furnace to quickly replace items (either to smelt or to burn) or... You could consider following this guide and build a more advanced smelter which can handle things for you automatically.

    Let's build a (small) mass smelter!

    Required items: crafting table, furnace, 3 hoppers, 1 chest, 2 trapped chests and 2 signs.

    Now, this is a beginners guide but I do assume that you know how to make a furnace and a chest: just use your crafting table and then surround the (empty) middle with 8 items (cobblestone for the furnace and wooden planks for the chest). Oops, I accidentally explained it anyway ;)

    A hopper can be a little more tricky: you need to place a chest in the middle and 'surround' it with iron ingots in a chute or hopper shape:

    Making a trapped chest is also relatively easy: all you need is to combine a normal chest with a tripwire hook. How to make a tripwire hook? Simple:

    Wooden planks + stick + iron ingot = tripwire hook.

    But of course you can also visit your local player shop (/v +shop) to see if you can simply buy the items there. And that suddenly gave me an incredible idea!

    Buy Shell's 'smelter tutorial kit'!

    You can also buy a kit from me for 50r, this consists of what you saw mentioned up there:
    • 1 crafting table
    • 1 furnace
    • 3 hoppers
    • 1 regular chest
    • 2 trapped chests
    • 2 signs
    Here's how to order: Just mention you want a kit in the thread and I'll set something up, or PM me and then we'll set something up in private ;) Just keep in mind: don't ask me in-game, I probably won't have enough free time and the risk of me forgetting is also very high (that's what us old people do afterall ;)). Warning: only 1 kit per player (I didn't really bother to check prices) ;)

    Let's build!

    Dig a hole which is 2 blocks long, and place the chest. Then turn around to the back, take out your hopper and place the hopper 'into' the chest: sneak ('crouch'), aim at the back of the chest (see picture) and then right click. You can test to see if things work by right clicking on the hopper and placing an item in it (or just throw an item onto it): it should end up in the chest.

    Now, swing around again and place the furnace on top of the hopper. You need to sneak once again when placing the furnace, this is to prevent the hopper inventory from showing up.

    Next you need to place a hopper into the right side of the furnace. You can also use the left side and even the back, it depends what you prefer. I personally like the right side best. Next you also need to place a hopper on the top of the furnace:

    The furnace with all the hoppers attached to it.

    Keyword is sneaking ;) Make sure to sneak when you place the 'sideways hopper', and you can even try jump + sneak when placing the hopper on top (or just use a dirt pillar).

    Now there's only one thing left to do: place the trapped chests on top of the hoppers and add a few signs. Don't forget sneaking! The items which you want to smelt go into the top of the furnace and the items which you want to use for fuel go into the side. So in my example I ended up with this:

    And done!

    Happy smelting! You can simply chunk in any items you want to smelt on top and any items which you want to use for fuel on the side; the furnace will simply burn it all away for you. The results (probably nuggets) can be found in the chest in front of the furnace.

    Using a wooden axe to smelt an iron chestplate
    Lomax70, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  2. Cool! I hadn't thought of that yet!
    Seems like a charming system. If only I would have stuff to smelt and wouldn't have over a dozen furnaces filled up with coal. :p
    Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
  3. Nifty! Knowing that I do not have a building profession, this is easy and useful; I love it! :)
    Equinox_Boss, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  4. I think i smell something burning. :eek:
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. Oh cool, I could make a mass smelter to help cook all that meat I have.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. smelting iron gear is bad XD you waste so much iron. but gold swords and armor *cough pigmen seems awesome
    ShelLuser, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  7. The pros use 32 furnace array with lava buckets. :p
  8. Gonna need to make a giant smelter and start saving all the golden swords for nuggets. :cool:
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. You don't know how long it took me to figure out the "sneaking" thing with the hopper and the chest... I'm still emotional scarred from that... Nice tutorial though :D
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.