Been off of EMC and the Internet for a bit

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by LittleRobotSeffy, Sep 3, 2017.

  1. Your that frosting of our cake, Always sweet and always kind <3
    iamcavie likes this.
  2. ... I don't have a bow... : - :
  3. I'm really sorry to hear that :( That's harsh after 10 years :confused:

    It's all about giving and taking and it sounds to me as if you have been required to give a little too much without getting much back. But that's also all I can comment on because, with all due respect, I always keep in mind that we're hearing only one side of the story. So I'm obviously not capable of picking any sides nor do I want to.

    Nor do we need to because with issues like these everyone loses, it's as simple as that :(

    I don't know you, we never really talked, but I truly hope you'll be able to sort this mess out Seffy. And who knows... maybe being on your own for a while can do wonders, it's definitely not the end of the world nor does it have to be.
  4. It's all good Seffy. You put yourself first and honestly, that makes me happier than anything else because too many of my friends are unwilling to do so and it hurts to watch. So good luck to you my friend and I hope to see you more, even with my school starting back up. No matter the color of your username I always loved hanging out with you, mate. <3
  5. Mental wounds are as strong, or maybe even stronger than physical ones.

    Take care, I'm sure all the folks of EMC will be welcome with open arms.
    PikminSplatoon and MCSaw like this.
  6. First of all *hugs* because everyone needs them. 2nd everyone that knows you loves you and we are here for you.
    3rd take care of yourself. If you were in NC you may have to sleep on the couch but you could at least sleep on the couch in the same house until you get back on your feet. I too understand what you meant by playing and human interaction. You are much loved and respected and we are here for you. If you ever need an ear send me a pm. *more hugs*