Bed sleeping

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by TheFryedmans, May 10, 2018.

  1. I know there is a thing where you can sleep and only one person need to sleep to turn it to day.

    It some times gets annoying when 2 or more people are in the wild or waste and they don't sleep together meaning that you have to fight off mobs
  2. That does not make sense... maybe change your survival PS
  3. Do you know what in survival
  4. If you do /ps in game, you can click on 'survival' and then on 'difficulty' in the chat. If you turn it down all the way to 1, you don't get that much trouble with fighting the mobs.

    The reason why I would say to not implement such a mechanic, though, is that there is no way to be sure that there is noone who wants it to be night. It could be very annoying to wait for the night, and it gets skipped instantly because someone else was sleeping.
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.
  5. I saw this in the Recently Active Threads box, and thought it was about real life. :p
  6. Some players might like the night. I for example, like the night as at my outpost i can see the light levels, spawning areas, and how the build looks lit up.

    I like it the way it is, as if your the only one in that world it can change.

    Tuqueque and 607 like this.
  7. Ok thx everyone
  8. It is affected. I have done it many times when i am the only one in the world to change to night to show how it looks at night.
  9. Change to night? How? That isn't possible in Vanilla, without commands.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  10. When your the only one connected to the world, just sleep in your bed, and it changes to day.
  11. I don't understand the purpose of this thread; are we just commenting about beds or are we responding to the guy's post...?
    Starzival and FadedMartian like this.
  12. I know. You were talking about changing to night "to show how it looks at night".
    Starzival likes this.
  13. A bit of both 😂
  14. I was referring to the fact that you can change to day when alone on the server, not my night comment, hence the no quote.
  15. A late response, blame Ziggo (my ISP).

    I'm not going to pass a (dis)agree because I already know the outcome. See: the problem with your suggestion is that EMC tries to stay close to vanilla gameplay. And in vanilla every player in a world need to agree to skip the night, reasons for that have been given above.

    And sure thing: it can be a nuisance. I've had the same thing on SMP9's Frontier (my outpost is there): often I can skip the night but just as often it just doesn't work. But yeah: that's part of the game, and I sincerely doubt that EMC is going to change that (vanilla gameplay and all).

    But don't let this stop you from sending in suggestions! You don't know until you try! :)
    607 and Tuqueque like this.
  16. Emm how about the xisumavoid thing it's just some files and a camand block thing link in a sec
  17. This would create a pretty awful experience for anyone not wanting to sleep, as it sets it to day for everyone - even those who might not want it to be.
    607 likes this.
  18. Yea but a certain amount of people need to sleep at the same time