[AUCTION] Ultimate chickeneer Pack

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by DrasLeona247, Jan 28, 2022.

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  1. 393k
    Highest i can bid. Good luck to the winner!
  2. Corrected bid to be a valid one as requested by bidder (was previously 380k, which was invalid due to the bids before it)
  3. 421k ☝️☝️☝️😉
    DrasLeona247 likes this.
  4. 422k
    Raaynn likes this.
  5. Will America somehow lose to Canada?

    Will the ultra-rare ChickenEar hand fall into the hands of a mouthy Canadian who drinks maple syrup straight out of the bottle???

    Will this auction reach 1200 views!?

    Find out in just over 12 hours :)
    Kryarias, Raaynn and Zomberina like this.
  6. Not if anything to say about it I have!


    Wait, you what? Where in the world are the waffles in all of this?
    DrasLeona247 likes this.
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