[ Auction ] Scuba Suit + Weap + Tools [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Leowaste, Jun 27, 2012.

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  1. leo don't mean to hijak but I think your right.. He doesn't have tge cash but we both could be wrong here...
  2. I dont want to assume he doesnt, just hes prez post kinda leads in that direction thats all
    Tehwafflez likes this.
  3. Happyshopper is in the lead with 50k!!!(creepas bid is invalid due to bid increment violation)

  4. Please ignore my my last post "12k", for some reason not all the post's where displayed and the top bid has well past that amount
  5. if thats the case my bid stands at 35k
  6. I pass, final. I'l just get my own.
  7. No Harry, yor bid stands at 50k as creppa bid 35k ad then you bid 50k. 50k is the top bid
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  8. but creepa didn't have the funds to be biding so its not fair for happy shopper.
  9. Happy Shopper takes it with 50k!!!!

    gratz! I have set up the access sign on the brown floor of my shop.
  10. he never said he didnt have it, just he was gonna pay on friday. we just asked if he didnt
  11. Hold it!
    Did he not win it for 35,000 rupees, instead of 50,000?
    From page 2,

    Do take note that the minimum bid increment was 167 rupees, thus CreppaNinga235's bid was not taken into account, which results in Happyshopper not needing to outbid his previous bid of 35,000 rupees (Who would outbid themselves? :p)
  12. this is my point... Im happy to pay 50k but think it would be fair since creeping was time wasting
  13. hey leo are u going to have another one of these auctions :D ?????
  14. Geez.. Thank you creepa for completely messing up the auction.

    Zab is right

    And cofee at the moment im not sure what my next auction will include
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