{AUCTION} Rarest Auction EVER 5 DC's

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Merek_Shadower, Mar 27, 2017.

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  1. Yes 5 DC's that have never been auctioned off together.

    1 DC Nether Wart

    1 DC Ghast Tear

    1 DC Redsone dust

    1 DC Glow Stone dust

    1 DC Blaze Powder

    This will make 192 DC's of regen 1 or regen 2. All you need is a brew stand and the bottles. However you can also use these items however you see fit. Besides, who wants to spend months moving 192 Dc's? You can make what you need, stock your shop or do whatever you desire. I cannot tell you how many hundreds of hours it took to get 3,456 Ghast Tears.

    Starting Bid 10k

    Bid Increase 100R

    Auction Ends 72 hours after last valid Bid

    All items are in the Chests, the Redstone has been compressed into 6 Blocks at /v 4017 m On smp2. Typing that in exact will take you there Otherwise type /v +Merek use auction telepad to get to the same place on SMP2.
    ShelLuser and The_Mancub like this.
  2. Why did you bid the bid I wanted to bid to outbid you? :D


  3. Bumping it up
  4. Can't believe how this escalated so quickly. Thanks for all your bids guys. I really thought with 100r increase bids would come in more than just 30 mins from posting. 200k is the current winning bid. 192 Dc's will make a lot of r. Can anyone top SFFL44?
    ttyler333 likes this.
  5. Today at 2:01 pm EMC time, this auction will be over unless someone else wants to snatch it away from SFFL44. Just under 4 hrs left.
  6. i believe ive won
  7. You sure did!!! Congrats!!! I'll be on shortly to set up access signs.
  8. went ahead and payed :) ready to pick up whenever, no rush
  9. All Access signs st up. You can get it all on smp2 /V 4017 m The space between 4017 and m does matter or us /v +Merek use auction telepad. Congrats again on your winnings. Be along time before I get 3,456 Ghast tears again lol.
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