[AUCTION] Marlix Bow and Leggings

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Mannertink, Jan 14, 2014.

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  1. 36,001 rupees
  2. Bow
  3. 42,001 rupees
  4. lol my page was lagging sorry about that post.
  5. my bid is 44k
  6. (to the Eye of the Tiger beat) Bump.... Bump bump bump... Bump bump bump... bump bump buuuuummpppp....
  7. Did i win yet?
    KingOfHearts23 likes this.
  8. Yes Flamin_Pickle, your last bid was 00:08 GMT and RainbowChin's 23:33GMT.

    As the OP said, 23 hours from last bid, you win this auction.
    RainbowChin likes this.
  9. And I did not see the 23 hours -_-
    Enjoy the items lol
  10. Alright pickle, please pay. Would you like delivery or will you pick up?
  11. Tell me when u get on plzz im at ur res now but ur not on atm
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