[Auction]Ham Hacker

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by WitherDoggie, Sep 19, 2015.

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  1. Bump, I love how you guys are bidding
  2. 34k
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  3. TomvanWijen has won the auction with a bid of 34034r. I will put the access sign up in a little bit, please pay when you pickup.
  4. Access sign is up
  5. Ugh, my notifications are really broken. I missed this too.

    Paid, will pickup on friday, saturday, or sunday. :)
  6. I could mail it to you if you'd like.
  7. If you need the space, you can, but since I have free vault, and I can't play anyways before that day, picking it up is also fine, and free. :)
  8. Paid, received, thanks for the Ham Hacker! :D
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