[Auction] Epic 16 dc of wool all colors

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Runningrhino, Dec 23, 2012.


Is this cool or what?

Poll closed Dec 30, 2012.
Yes! 12 vote(s) 30.8%
No way 2 vote(s) 5.1%
When I grow up i want to be a potatoe 25 vote(s) 64.1%
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  1. I believe the 72 hours are up so I guess I be the winner :D let me know when to pick up I will do payment then
  2. Actually you have one more day. This ends Sunday
  3. ... 62K is the lead ..... i need a double chest of each color of wool to auction off ._.
    Jcplugs likes this.
  4. if you need this then bid!
  5. lol got my days mixed up :D
  6. Over the 72 hours Now I think it is Sunday right :D Doe

    Well confirm it just to make sure I will then sort the payment out and if you can give me a secure place for pick up ;)
  7. OK as you have not confirmed but the time is well past 72 hour's and I guess your probably busy today I will pay you the rupees 62k pls let me know when I can pick up the wool. Many tnx Silk
  8. Thanks I see you paid I'm sorry but ill have to set it up later because i cant get on today and im going on a trip tommorrow for a week. Ill try to get it set up on my trip in a few days. Thanks
  9. That's a little bit late is it not, if you knew you where going on a trip why set the auction to finish today, not giving yourself enough time to set up the signs 16 signs would take only a few min to set up.

    I will expect it done very soon otherwise I will have to talk to the admin.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  10. Im sorry that my parents try to limit my time on the computer ill try to get it tomorrow morning or afternoon ive heard there is wifi on my plane.
  11. Sounds to me this guy is trying to get off without the sale. Very fishy, very very fishy. On the plus side congrats Silken!! You have made a good purchase since he now has lost money on the sale :D (Which could be a reason for his "trip")
  12. Well admin don't take thing like this likely so we will see
    MR2R2M likes this.
  13. are you kidding me right now, you think im lying? I am going to see my Grandma and my grandpa passed away a year ago, sorry if i dont do minecraft 24/7 and i do have the stuff im busy packing right now.
  14. Tnx for doing the signs but you missed one
  15. which one and why is it wrong?
  16. No sign on cyan wool chest its the only one that seems to be missing
  17. alright sorry ill fix it tommorow morning sorry i have to pack for my trip, but ill have 15 minutes tommorow morning and i will fix it, ps the last chest on the left at the top has a sign on it too
  18. I'll close this thread now seeing at the transaction has pretty much concluded, if needed you can use private convo to pass information. :)
    Silken_thread and cadgamer101 like this.
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