[Auction] Epic 16 dc of wool all colors

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Runningrhino, Dec 23, 2012.


Is this cool or what?

Poll closed Dec 30, 2012.
Yes! 12 vote(s) 30.8%
No way 2 vote(s) 5.1%
When I grow up i want to be a potatoe 25 vote(s) 64.1%
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  1. grrrrr to hidden post's
  2. its alright silken! bid em up
  3. bump! come on guys you cant let cadboy win at only 60k!
  4. WOW this is a really cool auction i would love to bid but i dont have enough r
  5. thanks! and bump come on guys! if you are worried about /vault costing too much dont worry! its only 640r! barely any probly for you guys bidding now!
  6. what res is it?
  7. pickup will be at 4000 on smp2, thanks silken and bump!
  8. bump come on guys this is an amazing deal!!!
  9. Chill out on the bumping please rhino.
    Jcplugs likes this.
  10. Sorry krssy i just really want people to have a chance to get this amazing auction deal
  11. Incorrect, you just want to make a crap tone of money. My advice, let it be, you don't see ebay auctions being advertised profusely do you? What ever happens happens, and its quite annoying to see these bumps, which is why I will no longer take part in this auction.
    Pab10S, Jcplugs and NINJATTILA like this.
  12. wow im sorry i didnt know it was that bad
  13. and just so you know im not making money right now i bought this for 75k
  14. I think you can bump every 12 hours
  15. thank you silken for your bid of 62k and bump
    Silken_thread likes this.
  16. i think its time for a bump
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