[Auction] Enchanted Books - Double Chest

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by will_iamd, Dec 29, 2012.

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  1. deathconn is in the lead with 30k :)
  2. As stated above: Deathconn has the highest bid so far with 30k!

    There's just under 18 hours to go.
  3. Sorry death next time 31k
  4. That's Alex in the lead now with 31k
  5. Dude alex! come on xD we're friend! all i want are the looting 3's and thorn 3's xD

  6. Deathconn's back in the lead, with 32k
    About 10 hours left!
    deathconn likes this.
  7. I WIN :D

    i will pay now, plz set up the chest :)

  8. You do indeed win! When you have paid, I'll set up the access chest :)

    Happy new year!
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