[ Auction ] Enchanted - 24 Helmets - 1 Boots - DIAMOND

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Leowaste, May 9, 2012.

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  1. 1 x Fire Protection IV, Aqua Affinity I
    That's the awesome-est helmet I've ever seen!
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  2. Sorry guys, but I had a 12 hour bid expiration and DangerousPopcorn bit at ~5pm yesterday. The next bid wasn't till almost 9 am today (cst). He has won the auction for 11.5k.

    Grats Popcorn!
  3. Hijacker! May all the ban hammers of EMC fall upon you in a fiery explosion!
    margaritte and IamSaj like this.
  4. sorry I need to work out how to make a new post on here, I only ever reply to exiting ones.
  5. Go into the forum that you want to post in... and click the "Post New Thread" button.
  6. thanks got it sorted now it was late when I posted it. Also sorry if I offended anyone - I am a noob to making new post :confused:
    will_iamd likes this.
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