Auction: Diamond Pick with Unbreaking III, Fortune III, and Eff IV

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by margaritte, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. Uhuh.

  2. 17,000r and $10 of real money via Paypal!

    Anyway, gone for the rest of the day, so if anyone ups on this then I am out as I wont be back in time to respond.

  3. High Bid is 17K (we knew that would happen, right ) I'm going to disallow the 10 bucks, as the auction clearly states "Rupees Only" Six bid-less hours and we'll call it closed.
  4. Tick, tock! Two more hours and it's done.
  5. This auction is closed. Mr. kilmannan, consider yourself the new owner of this hella cool pick! Let me know when you're back online, and we'll get you all set up. Thanks, everyone for the bids :)
  6. ?????????????????? Wth is going on ????????
  7. kilmanan wiins!
  8. I dunno, but I'm not complaining! The rupees and the pick are settling in with their new owners as I type ;)