[Auction] DC of Obsidian {Closed}

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by BreezyMan, Apr 19, 2015.


Which is a better side?

French Fries 18 vote(s) 72.0%
Onion Rings 7 vote(s) 28.0%
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  1. Item: 1 DC of Obsidian
    Starting Bid: 5,000r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 1,000r
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after the last valid bid
    Pickup: SMP6 /v +ahaus - [Preview] available on site*

    Good Luck, Have Fun And Happy Bidding! :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. 20k
    BreezyMan likes this.
  3. 30k
    BreezyMan likes this.
  4. 35000 r
    BreezyMan likes this.
  5. 37001
    BreezyMan likes this.
  6. 39001
    BreezyMan likes this.
  7. Fiddy Kay
    BreezyMan likes this.
  8. We have bemvino87 with his obsidian bid of 50,000 rupees. Careful BUMPing into this package because punching it gives you nothing but sore knuckles. Will this bid be bemvino87's Higway to Hell or... will it be someone else's gold mine with a nudge of the bid? Only time will tell this tale and... Only you have the answer to that question.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  9. Lunch time bump. That's all I got to say about that.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  10. bemvino87 i want to rent a villager deluxe and 56k!
    BreezyMan likes this.
  11. As of late it seems to be a battle between MineMeetsRoblox and bemvino87 with MineMeetsRoblox having the leading bid of 56,000 rupees. Everytime bemvino87 makes a bid MineMeetsRoblox one ups him with a BUMP of the bid. Will these two keep battling it out over the glorious black gold contained inside the waiting double chest. Who will come out ahead and who will resign from the race? Or... Is there still someone out there waiting on these two contenders to top themselves out before stepping out to make their move to take this prized package away? Only you know the answers to these questions... Only you have the power to change the fate of this prize.
    ShelLuser and tuqueque like this.
  12. 57k
    BreezyMan likes this.
  13. 61k
    BreezyMan likes this.
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