hey, FDNY. Sorry about that, I have the next bump already written ready to hit enter. I accidentally hit enter too soon :I Sorry
Hi MishMan, it's not just about having it already written and having it sent. The following three quotes, for example, were all within 20 minutes of the last post in the auction: As I believe you have now understood, it has to be 3 hours from any post in the auction before you bump again. If you say ":O TJ!", that already counts as your bump, so make sure you put everything in that message, and also leave it those 3 hours. I would personally recommend that you only type the word "bump" into the box when it is legal to post, as well, just in case of an accident. Thanks for understanding, feel free to PM me if you are confused or wish to discuss it more. From here on, bids/bumps/questions about auction in hand only please! Thanks all