[AUCTION] 64 Dragon stone fragments

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by CrustyBreadz, Mar 1, 2016.

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  1. 66k
    BanditLM likes this.
  2. 68k
    BanditLM likes this.
  3. Eh, why not. . . 70k!
    BanditLM likes this.
  4. 72k
    BanditLM likes this.
  5. 75k
    BanditLM likes this.
  6. 77k
    BanditLM likes this.
  7. didnt even realise the auction had reached this amount xD bump ^^
  8. 85k
    BanditLM likes this.
  9. 90k
    BanditLM likes this.
  10. bump ^^ Dreacon in the lead with 90k
  11. Dreacon you have won with a bid of94k :D will mail after payment is recieved :p
  12. I will send payment once I get home after dinner. :cool:
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