[AUCTION] - 15 Vault Vouchers [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Kold_Ice, Oct 6, 2015.


What should I do next?

Marlix's Helmet Auction 4 vote(s) 33.3%
Marlix's Bow Auction 8 vote(s) 66.7%
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  1. ok will pay as soon as i get on
    Kold_Ice likes this.
  2. 57k
    Kold_Ice likes this.
  3. JesusPower2, this auction has already been completed
    Kold_Ice likes this.
  4. I think my bid was before the deadline.

    Someone check my math?

    48 hour auction.
    PlasmaBanana bid 56k on Tuesday, 9:51pm EMC time.
    I bid 57k on Thursday, 7:38pm EMC time.
    Kold_Ice, jdog37 and ChickenDice like this.
  5. um idk o-o
  6. besides... unfortunately this auction has been paid for and the items were already sent so it's closed
  7. somehow the replies came in a weird order, for me at least.
  8. I agree it's a pretty awkward situation to be hosting an auction and no longer have the item. Maybe you can ask for them back? :)

    Did you by chance deliver the items and payment after I bid?
    Kold_Ice likes this.
  9. There seems to be some confusion here...

    The auction was declared "won" only 39 hours following the last bid. Jesuspower2 made his bid roughly 46 and a half hours following the last bid, so his bid stands, and in fact is still the winning bid.

    The auction continues.
  10. Sorry for the confusion, the auction is still still going on and JesusPower2 is the current leader with 57k, BUMP! :D
  11. 100,000 r
    Kold_Ice likes this.
  12. 150,000 r
    Kold_Ice likes this.
  13. Congrats cadgamer101! The Vouchers will be mailed as soon as the 150k is paid :D

    This Auction is NOW closed! .... I mean it this time, I swear

    Next Auction: Marlix's Bow
    Sparticals, cadgamer101 and weeh like this.
  14. bout time m8, lol
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