[Auction] 10368 Pig Zombie Heads

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by RandomZh, Aug 5, 2018.

  1. 35k
    Yeah, that is still an insane amount! I am curious what other people would use that many heads for?
  2. 42,427!
    Whatcha guys gunna use those heads for?
  3. I don't know yet, but I just want them. :p

  4. How many DC's is this?
  5. Half. (:p kidding it's 3. :p)

  6. 49k
    Oi, only 3 DC's of heads.... That only carpets a 60 x 60 floor a few of the times...
  7. Not even 3 times. :p

  8. With my Current amount already, it should!
  9. Ah, I see. :)

  10. I will create a new floorplan for the parkours of painful head exploration!
    I don't want to have explicitly stupid jumps, though, so the harder ones are going to just be longer with harder jumps all over them!
  11. I don't want more parkours to be frustrated about because you fall every time to be created. :p

  12. 77k + 777r
    I want parkours that require skill not luck.
    I will create obscenely hard ones like that, but none of the normal ones should have that.
    I know I sound contradictive, but the whole goal is hard, doable, and I know what is going on and how each jump works.

    Huh, you sure want these heads....
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  13. And we have a winner: levyhalmen.
    Access signs are placed on 1728.
    Please send money when pickig up.