[Auction] 100 DC Gold Ingots

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Luckygreenbird, Apr 13, 2018.

  1. Captain Lucky has brought in a new shipment...

    Item: 100 DC Gold Ingots (345,600 ingots, condensed to blocks)
    Starting Bid: 1,000,000r
    Minimum Bid Increments: 1r
    Auction Ending Time: 48 Hours after last valid bid with no other bids after it.

    Pickup: Smp8, /v +pirate gold
  2. bump - going for 2.89r per ingot
    Tuqueque and Starzival like this.
  3. Hold up...
    Does that mean I can bid only once? if so then I'm sorry for posting when I wasn't supposed to.
  4. No, I'm pretty sure he basically means "48 hours after the last valid bid", you're fine. :)
  5. Tom is correct. They mean the same thing.
    The way I worded it is how it used to be said in the auction rules example but has since been changed.
    Starzival likes this.
  6. aww you beat me, I guess it's for the better since I should save my rupees.
    Starzival likes this.
  7. thanks to the both of you. and I wish you the best of luck, Luckygreenbird.
    Starzival likes this.
  8. bump - going for 3.76r per ingot
    Starzival likes this.
  9. You got this Star!
    Starzival likes this.
  10. Keep it to bids and questions please.

    Also, bump!
    OriginalScuf and Starzival like this.
  11. this would be a steal even if you added an extra 1,000,000r to the current bid