Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Merek_Shadower, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. dude, not a bruh...but I wear one...lol
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  2. bruh
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. I want to make my situation very clear. I am getting a new internet provider in my house. I was on smp6 tonight, talking with Baradar67 about the best way to handle this *potential* situation. I may be unable to have internet for a possible 2 maybe 3 weeks at worst, so I came up with a plan in case that happens. Here is my situation.

    Was supposed to be today... Most likely tomorrow this is supposed to happen....

    I have very old (hidden) wiring boxes that need to be dismantled and redone, upgraded. It could take just hours but if parts and components are needed that are not in stock it could take a while (week((s)) or so). So knowing this I have contacted very trustworthy friends and mod(s) about this situation. If you have any concerns pm Skeletin007 and Baradar67 for confirmation. Carolmoss also knows my honesty and integrity.

    If I am to be down for the worst possible scenario here is how you will get you winnings very quickly. Pay me Merek_Shadower the winning amount and create a pm on forums with NDubb424 and ShelLuser. Title it Auction winner. Both have admin on my res and have been informed this post was coming days ago. They will respond to you and confirm with staff that I have been paid. Access will then be set up for the winning bidder.

    I was hesitant to do this auction but I am raising this r for a donation event I have planned in future.... Uh Oh!! Merek has another event planned, :eek: {spoiler} ..... mmk back on track Merek..

    This is me trying to be honest and clear about my known situation that may or may not be an issue when this is over. I just wanted to very clear, talk with mods and friends to make sure everything is covered.

    Now that I typed this all out, did all this planning, set everything up for worst case scenario... It prob won't even be needed. Know you know tho, I think ahead, not only for myself but you as a player and a bidder. Thank you everyone who knows me and supports me. I love what I do here on EMC for players.
  4. Apologies for intruding but we're having a change of plans (on my own accord):

    Correction: Pay either NDubb424 OR ShelLuser, contact both in a PM and we'll sort it out.
    Reasoning: how are we supposed to know that you actually paid? It's not an issue of mistrust, but both parties (you and Merek (or his proxies)) need to know where they stand.
    Don't contact us though, we'll contact you. I'm keeping an eye out on this auction from this moment on.
    Apologies for the bump, but considering the circumstances I believe this to be required.
    This will also be the last bump of this auction, that's only fair IMO.
  5. According to my calculations 1 day and 20 hours have passed since this bid, therefor making you the winner of the auction:

    Congratulations on winning Merek's auction. As per shared comment above both NDubb and myself will act as Merek's proxies, I will PM you in a moment so that we can sort out the aftermath of this auction.

    Apologies for the somewhat chaotic nature but it seems this is a bit of a problematic situation for Merek, and the goal is simply to sort out this auction as per the official auction rules.
  6. I do have internet wiring done and am online. Can confirm payment has been made and access has been set up for KingGrigori at smp2 /v +Merek Auction. If not moved within the week it will go to storage for different pickup location.