[Auction] 1 DC of Mending Books and 1 DC of Unbreaking III Books

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by jesseqw, Dec 17, 2017.

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  1. Auction: 1 DC of Mending Books and 1DC of Unbreaking III books.
    Starting Bid: 100r
    Min Bid increase: 100r
    Auction Ends: 48 hours after last valid bid.
    Pick up will be at my res on smp9 (18570) follow signs. Preview will be set up as well.

    Thank you and good luck bidding.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. 200r

    (I don't even know why I'm bidding) :D
    jesseqw likes this.
  3. 1000r
    jesseqw likes this.
  4. c'mon, can't someone have 1 minute in the lead of an auction? :p

    10k1 (10,100r).
    jesseqw likes this.
  5. Nope! lol.

    jesseqw and ShelLuser like this.
  6. Oh, you again :p Ga toch slapen Tom, morgen weer school! Ik zorg wel voor de auction ;)
    (psychological Dutch warfare going on here :D)

    TomvanWijnen and jesseqw like this.
  7. Ummm... 13k. :D
    jesseqw and ShelLuser like this.
  8. Whoops, sorry, forgot that using Dutch has the potential to attract moderators. All goods, my bad!

    I won't do again Breezy so you can go back to doing... other things :D

    15k :)
    TomvanWijnen, BreezyMan and jesseqw like this.
  9. Hehe... but I want these books. :p 16k
    Stnywitness, jesseqw and ShelLuser like this.
  10. Time to bump this up.
    BreezyMan likes this.
  11. 18k?

    jesseqw and BreezyMan like this.
  12. Sees you 18k and bumps you to 18.5k. :p
    ShelLuser and jesseqw like this.
  13. 20k :)
    jesseqw likes this.
  14. Ok, so I wasn't going to do this but you guys forced my hand. Considering the recent release I'm sure that my current strategy is going to work superbly...

    <makes handmovement>

    These aren't the books you're looking for....

    21k :D
    jesseqw likes this.
  15. Time for a morning bump
  16. 22k
    jesseqw likes this.
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