Ask ME questions!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by TheRocketSurgeon, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. The best person on EMC, in my opinion, is Justin. Duh. And the Egg came first.
  2. Hm...
    CambriaKilgannon likes this.
  3. Why dont you pay me 1,000,000 rupeez?
    ZimfurrY likes this.
  4. One ununoctium atom, plus three neutrons, is produced from the collision of a calcium-48 ion with a californium atom.
    oidgod likes this.
  5. Why do people post such stupid questions?
  6. ikr.
    BTW your post is a question
  7. It was a joke lol
  8. I know, so was mine..
  9. Oh :D
  10. I dont pay you 1 million rupees because I dont have that much.

    People post such stupid questions because this is EMC.
    oidgod likes this.
  11. How come I ain't special?
  12. What is the sound of one creeper clapping...
  13. What does the double rainbow mean?
  14. What is the "stable" isotope of bismuth's half-life?
  15. There is a bird trapped in a solid glass orb. How do I get the bird out without damaging the bird or the glass orb?
    oidgod and Equinox_Boss like this.
  17. How?
  18. do you like pie?
  19. Did someone open Pandora's box? ;)
    ZimfurrY likes this.
  20. Are you mad?
    Are you mad?
    Are you mad?
    Are you mad?
    Yep. You're mad. PS How many millimeters are the Eiffel Tower and Mt. Everest combined?
    How many stars are there in the sky?
    Are you mad yet?
    What is the answer to life's meaning?
    What's my Social Security Number?
    How old am I?
    How old are you?
    Where do you live?
    Are you MAD??? :3
    ZimfurrY likes this.