Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by ArkWarrior1, Dec 26, 2013.


Will You Consider Ordering?

Yes 62 vote(s) 88.6%
No 8 vote(s) 11.4%
  1. The New Order will be:

    Block(s): Smooth Stone
    Quantity: 49 DC's
    Price: 1620r
    Pickup or Delivery?: Delivery
    Res # if Delivery: 12731 There will be a chest to sell 9 stacks at a time there,
    Final Price: 79380r

    (Including the Stone you have delivered Already)

  2. It really isn't a problem. I use iron picks and I enchant them. I use lava to smelt everything, so fuel isn't a problem anyway.
  3. In Game Name: kyle12cu1
    Block(s): Ice
    Quantity: SC
    Price: 2160
    Pickup or Delivery?: Pickup
    Res # if Delivery: N/A
    Final Price: 2160
  4. Access Chest set up at 3940 on smp2. Pay when you pick up. Thank you for choosing ASC for your frosty needs and be sure to leave a rating.
  5. OP Updated!
  6. My Rate for bussiness is: 5

    Thanks for the Cobble :)
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  7. Your order is complete when Smp1 comes back up, I will drop it off. Since I was so busy with finch's order and his came first, your order was filled completely by donations. :)
  8. I'll set up a chest for you when smp1 comes up
  9. Chizmaro, could you set up a chest on your smp3 res or do a pickup?
  10. Smp3 is a different project, if I pick it up the price changes to the first price
  11. I don't charge extra if that is what you are saying...
  12. No but I paid extra because I know how vault works
  13. I don't charge anything for vault...
  14. Ark if my order is ready any time soon pm me online and ill pay
  15. Chizmaro, I have the stone brick ready for delivery. I just need payment and an access chest.
  16. Done
  17. Your 30 DC order is done. I am going to do the other orders and then begin on your 19 DC order.
  18. Delivered. Thanks for Choosing ASC for all your stone needs and be sure to leave a rating!
  19. How to ruin businesses, order 30dc's lol. What's next 40?
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.