[Animation] What if the EMC Staff...[LOCKED]

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Caeyde, Aug 11, 2013.


Who is your favorite Staff Member?

IceCreamCow 39 vote(s) 17.0%
Sassy Smooch (ISMOOCH) 19 vote(s) 8.3%
Chickeneer 41 vote(s) 17.9%
Maxarias 16 vote(s) 7.0%
Aikar 16 vote(s) 7.0%
JustinGuy 18 vote(s) 7.9%
R0bbieJo 15 vote(s) 6.6%
JackBiggin 35 vote(s) 15.3%
Margaritte 7 vote(s) 3.1%
Krysyyjane9191 23 vote(s) 10.0%
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  1. It's not here yet, right?
  2. ok
  3. Post yours on my profile and I'll give you mine back :p If you don't know how to check I can show you that as well n.n
  4. Bump

    I might remove 5weety from the evil staff list :(
    I can't think of a suitable evil side for her
    On a good note though I'm thinking about adding several more staff into this, since I have ideas for them :p

    Anyone have a staff member they want adding?
    607 likes this.
  5. SMP4 joshyrocks13
    AliceF3 likes this.
  6. It's defenitely not rude to "bump" this again, and it isn't needed to make a new thread. How are you doing on the big drawing?
    Olaf_C, AliceF3 and Parkerjv9 like this.
  7. Oh, yeah, um, that.
    Saying "I haven't worked on it in forever" would be the completely honest thing to say...

    Edit: The main problem is that I put.. 72 places on the drawing?
    Now there's around 80 people (which is crazy but amazing at the same time!)
    I might actually change it and do 9 different pictures, a separate one for each SMP. Which would be much easier since I would have more room for.... everything really! :p
    607, Traynfreek and Olaf_C like this.
  8. can there be an evil bite? i hear he is pretty evil sometimes
  9. Maybe :p
    I'l be adding a few of the 'newer' staff soon anyway, not sure which ones yet though
  10. just an idea, but maybe some sort of SMP specific background would be cool of you did this idea.
  11. Sounds like a good idea actually, but what to put in the background in the first place could be difficult, actually drawing it is another thing completely
    Hm, editing it in could work though...

    Thanks for that actually, you've put that little thing in my mind now :p
    607 likes this.
  12. Kadey41
    AliceF3 likes this.
  13. Defluxer
    *These are my alts below



  14. I'll add your main one, I want to get as many people in as possible and adding alts is just like adding the same person multiple times....
    607 likes this.
  15. Chizmaro on SMP1 :)
    AliceF3 likes this.
  16. Also just noticed you're already on the list, near the top :p
    Second person whos signed up twice -w-
    607 likes this.
  17. But for each of my different alts I have a different personality!
    Remember from gizmo?
  18. Hey, no problem! just helping out. Can't wait to see it when its finished!!:)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. Kman122000

    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  20. I may/may not have already applied, but you can use any of my resses.
    1254, 1134, 1234, 1233, all smp1
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
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