[Animation] What if the EMC Staff...[LOCKED]

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Caeyde, Aug 11, 2013.


Who is your favorite Staff Member?

IceCreamCow 39 vote(s) 17.0%
Sassy Smooch (ISMOOCH) 19 vote(s) 8.3%
Chickeneer 41 vote(s) 17.9%
Maxarias 16 vote(s) 7.0%
Aikar 16 vote(s) 7.0%
JustinGuy 18 vote(s) 7.9%
R0bbieJo 15 vote(s) 6.6%
JackBiggin 35 vote(s) 15.3%
Margaritte 7 vote(s) 3.1%
Krysyyjane9191 23 vote(s) 10.0%
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  1. The evil version of Krysyy, in my opinion is as such:

    No need for an attack, though she could be given a screwdriver of the sonic variety. She should come with 2 or 3 creepers, and she runs to the player, with the ability to open doors.

    To be fair and keep myself from being in trouble :) I think Krysyy would say that I'm the evil version of Ignoramoose, so you'd likely want to create a good one.
    Olaf_C, AliceF3 and princebee like this.
  2. Remember?
    Or something like that.
    Aikarias likes this.
    Aikarias likes this.
  4. How do I even make this look even partly evil....

    I cant even...

    (Sorry for sloppy picture, to lazy to do a proper one...)
  5. Like this
    Or even better add a top hat and monocle
    jacob5089 likes this.
  6. jacobshapiro45
    AliceF3 likes this.
  7. ( Why does everyone love to draw over my pictures? -.- )
    Honestly that just looks like someone has done something evil TO him :S

    The main problem is the giant mouth...
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  8. oh my god with that hat and monocle.... YES.
  9. Who is that?
  10. Ignoramoose
    607 likes this.

  11. Added sharp teeth and multicolor lasers/party streamers. You are welcome
  12. I feel like this is a jab at my tendency to attract creepers to your front door and ACCIDENTALLY leave the door open...
    Ark_Warrior1, 607, Parkerjv9 and 3 others like this.
  13. Bump? How long wants nintendo to let people wait....:p
    AliceF3 likes this.
  14. I haven't bumped this for a while, so here we go :p
    607 likes this.
  15. Nintendo hurry up :C
  16. When my advent calendar is done, I'm going to reveal some more evil versions of several admins, to keep this interesting even while I can't animate it >.<
    607 likes this.
  17. SMP3-kyle12cu1
    AliceF3 likes this.
  18. I'm going to search the new flipnote studio on my 3Ds :p
  19. XD I'm so stupid! I overviewed the OP once again, and was shocked when I saw the red text "attention all members!" and then something with "something terribly bad has happened!" then I realised it was the plot:p
    AliceF3 likes this.
  20. The Miiverse update? :p
    Flipnote Studio isn't out yet :(

    Want to trade 3DS friend codes?
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