[AMA] 500 days on the Empire!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by PetezzaDawg, Sep 17, 2016.

  1. Congrats on 500 Days! What makes you keep playing EMC?
    crazyminerpete likes this.
  2. I have projects I make for myself, currently working on my villager trading/storage/farming projects, and my outpost, one day hopefully will be a huge kingdom with a castle at the centre,with all my farms around it. My friends co own that outpost, and I have to say they and th community are the biggest reason I didn't pack my bags and leave. They were there for me for emotional support during difficult times and continue to do so, being like a second family to me. So in short, the community and my goals :)
    Wither_Addict and Sachrock like this.
  3. Congrats,:D What smp did you start on?
    crazyminerpete likes this.
  4. 3. 3 is love, 3 is life. And I continue to be on SMP3, I have no plans to move. all of my res' are there, and my outpost, and most importantly my friends
    luckycordel likes this.
  5. congrats on 500, great that you are hosting AMA
    crazyminerpete likes this.
  6. Congrats on 500 days crazyminerpete. :) What is your favorite block in minecraft.
    crazyminerpete likes this.
  7. Emerald blocks, they are such a nice looking, versatile block and I can make them out of vegetables lol, they are the main gem in my mall build :)
  8. Bump! Just a reminder this giveaway ends on September the 30th at 11:59PM EMC time, make sure to enter before then and you might win a Mineral Mincer!
  9. Hmm what don't I know about you?

    I got it! Who or what inspired you to make an outpost 50 painful minutes in a cart away from town?
  10. Our outpost was in a bad location and it was too close to spawn for my liking, and I kinda over killed it with the relocation...
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  11. Congrats on 500 days!:)
    Oh and btw where is your outpost? (xyz)
  12. Sorry, it's private. Also you'd be posting meme's from 2012 if you saw how far away it is ;)
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  13. Wither_Addict likes this.
  14. So this question has been bothering me,
    What is the 3rd letter of your middle name?
  15. Why? It's n lol
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  16. Oh no reason :) Just curious
    crazyminerpete likes this.
  17. congrats! what's your favorite animal? number 21 plox :D
  18. In real life dogs, because they are loyal (for the most part, my last dog bit off my toenail :( ) In minecraft, mushrooms because of their many uses :) Edit:you don't choose the number I use your post number in a random number generator (your post number is on the bottom right corner your post)
    ESSELEM likes this.
  19. Are u a miner ?!