[AMA] 2nd Year Anniversary Coming Up!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Slvr, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Pineapple on pizza: yay or nay?
  2. Naaay! Unless it's ElfinPinapple... He's delicious, wouldn't you agree?
  3. Bump...this is still alive. :cool:
  4. I think I asked this before, but let's do it again. Why 'Slvr'? :p
    Happy 2 years.
  5. What is the funniest thing you have seen on EMC?
  6. I may draw Jolie at some point though... or even Silver, as I originally planned her. Thank you :D

    The funniest thing I've seen on EMC? Well, I've lost count thanks to SMP8, but this is by far one of my favorite moments. The reactions I got were simply priceless. I had people groaning at me for long after this screenshot was taken, hahaha.
  7. What's the deal with this Orange Soda head I got 6 of
  8. There was just a joke going on on SMP8 at the time about bleach... and that I got soaked in orange bleach in particular... So I called the heads Orange Soda because I had been drinking orange soda, Idk why I didn't say bleached orange... lol. Have fun with it.
  9. can I get a cream soda head to go with my orange one :p
  10. How did you derive the name Slvr?
    Also, what would I need to say/do to receive one of your gold heads?
  11. :p In the future maybe....

    2: Go pester sean or hit up awwwstin, or wait and see if I drop any more at MMs in the future. Also... they were orange. #FFA500. :p
    EmpireMall likes this.
  12. My question for you is....
    Why EMC, what do you love so much about EMC that seperates it from ALL the other servers.