I too am almost to two years and I realized a few days ago how much I've changed. I defiantly think I've changed iin great ways. My building style changed and I also made a ton of new friends. I participated in tons of events and entered in contests. I became a part of this community and I feel like I've really been accepted. I joined the server when I was very new to Minecraft and I've learned so much about it and how, once you find the right server, it can be a great place of social interaction. I'm no longer as shy as I was when I first joined. I'm always happy to talk to others and meet new people. Sadly, I regret my first post on here, as I really had no idea what I was doing. That aside, I'm happy I've joined this community. Happy two years, let's hope for many more!
I learned in smp8 that if you eat sushi a lot, you have better chances at getting married. Also GG on 2 years!
Huh, well since Phelps4 since is a good bud of mine I should post right? I joined in with having the feeling of being a builder not really caring about others. Yeah, I was one of those people that build and don't talk in town. . The only sense of "community" back in the day were my mining buddies that I had. I am actually trying to write a story when memories that come in and out of my mind since it was almost 5 years ago. Yeah, I seen the change of what I was and what I am now. It's hard to explain what kind of player I became. I am here now with 10 accounts (4 of them being unbanned), awaiting trials of the mods and pressing to get rid of the stigma that people have over me. I have definitely changed how I talk, interact with others, and how I react to other posts. You never know what is going to come through those front doors. The only sense of community i've gotten was living in my home server smp7. It's slowly being torn apart, (Details hidden so people don't get triggered) I am happy everything is going well for you and hope for you continue your EMC stay.
Bump, either tomorrow or Monday is when I will close the giveaway. I would still love for people to respond though because all of these answers are interesting and fun to read.
For my son and I, EMC has been a enjoyable diversion. It has been almost two years since the kid taught me to play this compelling minecraft game. We became citizens of the empire shortly afterward. I've actually played more EMC than he has (his tastes are more varied). We both have been voters and supporters so we've gained plenty of resources to develop our farms and outposts. I enjoy the EMC events especially Friday night mining, midnight mining events and the generous giveaways provided in the scavenger hunts. The EMC community seems great to me. I avoid pvp and haven't had too many bad experiences with griefing. I appreciate the new anti-griefing modifications as they prevent destruction of the mob inhibiting torches and the fence posts they sit upon. Player created shops and malls make EMC more like a commercial/creative world than survival. Exploring the town malls, shops, and villagers are a lucrative hunt in itself. I can waste time shearing sheep, sell an infinite amount of pumpkins, and procure any resource or rare item I need. The end is an odd place requiring a sticky shift key and the ability to see through pumpkin eyes. Finding fortresses with a minimum number of ender eyes is a fun mathematical challenge. It'll be awhile before the kid takes geometry or trigonometry, but when he does, I'll have some good triangulation exercises for him. However I've never been the first one through a portal and have yet to fight an enderdragon. Why people would spawn them (or withers) escapes me. I've learned that villagers are key to minecraft resource collection. Villager trades convert common farmed items into valuable items and experience. Villagers in certain malls, on Mar1onette's res (our alt), and my own provide plenty of trading partners for easy emeralds and xp. Our next challenge is to build up our new established outpost into a substantial settlement with enough villagers and farm animals to minimize mob spawning. At some point I'll learn how to farm villagers in town instead of buying Azoundria's expensive eggs.
The giveaway is now officially closed, I will post the winner when I actually find time to set up the wheel and spin it. I have been super busy with work, school, and soccer recently. Like I stated earlier, I would love to see more responses to this thread because it's a very interesting read.
I have made and spun the wheel and the winner is......... SoulPunisher! Congrats! I will send it when I find time to hop on :3 http://imgur.com/lo2P58p That's just proof :3 Like stated earlier, I would still love for people to reply!