Allowing ads on my youtube = selling out?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by just_five_fun, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Yes, I agree that it's a trivial amount unless you become super famous and have hundreds of thousands of regular viewers. All the more reason to NOT have ads if it would upset a bunch of people.

    I can't even imagine having that kind of money in real life. That is more than I have made all the years put together that I have worked in the 25 years since I got my first job and then some.
  2. I think I have the option to opt out of those. I will have to check.
  3. You have the ability to set which ones you want to appear by default if you go into Upload Defaults in Creator Studio :) (although every time your partnership status changes you need to update it again)
    607 and just_five_fun like this.
    Seriously, though, allowing ads on your videos isn't really selling out, and you aren't going to make much money off the ads to start. It does, however, help the companies that the ads are showing because whether or not people click on the ads, they'll at least know about the company and might be interested.
    just_five_fun likes this.
  5. ADS! ADS! ADS! ADS!
    just_five_fun likes this.
  6. I definitely don't think you're selling out. YT ad revenue adds up over time and you'd be getting paid for the work you put into your videos.
    just_five_fun likes this.
  7. Ad revenue is dependant on how many people SEE the ad, not whether you have it on or not. Pewds gets way more than a milly views per vid,so he makes a lot of money. Smaller youtubers don't have that many people viewing the vid, and as such, the ad, so they don't get as much.
  8. I know just trying to tell if you try you could get some 100 bucks off of every video, it's only dependent on the views