
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by OhMiku, Nov 11, 2017.

  1. alice.
    Starsphere likes this.
  2. alice. indeed.
    Starsphere likes this.
  3. aLice!
    Starsphere likes this.
  4. nope
    Starsphere likes this.
  5. can't stop, won't stop
    Starsphere and Gaming_Comander like this.
  6. Plz...this thread is starting to get freaky
  7. I think we have different definitions of freaky....
  8. Perhaps,
    Gawadrolt and Starsphere like this.
  9. My name is...
    Starsphere likes this.
  10. alice
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  11. I guess at this point you are the only Alice here. Although actually, you seem to be Miku now.
    Spherestar likes this.
  12. Because Miku is actually just alice spelled backwards...
  13. They dont even have the same letters :p
  14. Thats because its a secret code. If you decode it you get ALICE.
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  15. Maybe in your language.
  16. You no Alice You Runder
  17. Me like...really confused and creeped out.
