ALERT: To Those With Promo Items / Supporter Gift Requests

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Hey can i trade a valentines rose for an eggnog?
  2. This is not the thread to do that I think. You might be better with creating an own thread for that
  3. Merry Christmas IceCreamCow!
  4. Thanks everyone.

    60 messages down, like a boss!
    cddm95ace, 607 and RainbowChin like this.
  5. Thanks ICC :D
  6. Whats this about egg nog? I had to leave the dp early yesterday and showed up a little late also.
  7. So no eggnog for those who missed the drop? :(
    BevK56 likes this.
  8. Can you only use the voucher's till New Years???
  9. 607 likes this.
  10. Where did eggnog come from? I didn't see or hear of it dropped at the DP. :eek:
  11. And my edit post option seems to be broke, so I'll have to make another one. The supporter gifts/vouchers aren't limited time are they? I was planning on keeping mine till later.
  12. Will the end crystal be able to trade for? (Original dragon egg)
  13. I would say no. I believe the Nog would only apply to items that everyone had a chance to get, but I could be wrong.
    IcecreamCow, 607 and cddm95ace like this.

  14. Then only 2 items are available. I missed all of the promos minus the flaming mob launcher and a i-day firework, so those 2 are the only ones available.
  15. Why is your post with black letters? It's hardly readable
  16. Do Egg Nogs have to be redeemed before 2014?
  17. They can be redeemed whenever you feel like redeeming them.
    607 likes this.
  18. Knocked most of the recent messages down again through the past night. Going to take a nap now. Anyone who has an unanswered request (or sends a new one today), I'll get at them when I wake up.

    Hope everyone had a Great Christmas!
  19. Another 30 messages down! :D

    All current requests should be answered/taken care of.

    Ready for next batch from those who still need stuff.

    xHaro_Der, RainbowChin and jkjkjk182 like this.
  20. Yeah.. Totally. 64 original dragon eggs please! /sarcasm
    JZH1000 likes this.